Empirical Practice: keep trying--> Limited by personal experiences and techniques.
Systematical (Analytic) Practice: to find
(1) where is the problem?
(2) why difficult?
(3) exercise to solve the problem.
Technical Practice
(1) should play intelligently
(2) know why/ where the goal is
--> Avoid the risk of repeating mistake and becoming worse.
Moyse Studies:
Extremely systematic (for all possibilities)
Very difficult (not enough explanation)
--> Need good teacher for instruction & much intelligence
(1) 太多了 XD
(2) 練完之後還是會發現某技巧在曲子中忽然變得很難(心理障礙,Example: Ravel's "Daphnis et Chloe" & Mozart Concerto in D, Mov.I)
Graf "Check Up": for basic problems (the counter side of Moyse's studies)
練習方法:(1) 遇到問題去找來練;(2) 一天練半本 with control and imagine it's music (P.4)
"Sing Flute": for empirical practice.
Daily Practice:
(1) Tone/Breathing
(2) Technique
(3) Studies
(4) Pieces(分段練習技巧問題,如果不行就再回到Technique;背譜練習全曲,目標是音樂表現)
"Check Up" No.3 -->在旋律中偷氣灌滿
BUT Bach Partita--> find possible places & play flexibly
"Check Up" No.4 --> 分別練習調整下巴、頭、嘴唇,來找最佳位置
"Check Up" No.15--> Articulation
(1) Portato: legato with articulation
(2) Detache
(3) Staccato: 打舌後停在上面
(4) Marcato: use more air rather than more tonguing. Tonguing is always piano.
Enesco 中 Legato吹法:轉換瞬間完全放鬆
"Check Up" No.5 Whistle Sound: for extremely relaxing lip!
How to overcome the stage nerve?
(1) First, concentrate on the body (forget the music or people)
(2) Think about the music
據說課程開始前Graf大師看到Trevor Wye在外面玻璃櫃上簽名畫圖,所以他也來一個 XD
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