Friday 30 December 2011

Playing Passions As a Non-Christian 受難曲演出小感


每年復活節前,英國各地大大小小教堂和演奏廳都會上演巴赫聖馬太或聖約翰受難曲,場次之多令人嘆為觀止。身為古樂演奏者我恭逢其盛,從來倫敦第一年復活節在 St John Smith Square 欣賞生平第一場聖馬太受難曲現場演出便深受震撼,到接下來兩年皆有幸參與多場聖馬太和聖約翰受難曲演出,每每在台上感動到熱淚盈眶。

對於非基督徒的我,耶穌生平象徵凡人生平可能發生的各種情感衝突:親情、愛情、忌妒、背叛、憤怒、失去所愛的人和死亡。例如聖馬太受難曲最著名的女高音 (和長笛獨奏 :P) 詠嘆調 Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben  對我而言便是失去所愛之人的痛苦。女高音在清唱劇中不飾演特定角色反而給予此詠嘆調無限空間,可以身為母親、愛人、朋友抑或教徒,字字句句撼動人心;長笛獨奏和女高音相互呼應,搭配兩支Oboe da Caccia 近似心跳又似沉重腳步的伴奏,可以想像演唱者來回踱步一邊述說的場景,令人心碎 。

Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben By

Christian Fliegner, soloist of the Tölzer Knabenchor, sings the soprano aria "Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben". Traverso - Bart Kuijen  (巴赫生前演出形式男童演唱女高音)

"Out of love would my savior die for me,
he who knows nothing of sin,
That eternal ruin,
And the retribution of judgement,
May not weigh upon my soul."

Thursday 29 December 2011

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Haydn - Creation English Text (Online translater version)

The Creation
Oratorio in three parts
Music by Joseph Haydn
Text by Gottfried van Swieten

Premiere: Vienna, 1798

No. 1 Introduction

The Representation of Chaos

Recitative with chorus


In the beginning God created heaven and earth,
and the earth was without form and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

And the Spirit of God
Floated on the surface of the water,
And God said, Let there be light!
And there was light.

And God saw the light, that it was good
and God divided the light from the darkness.

No. 2 aria with chorus

Now vanish before the holy beams
The gloomy dismal shadow:
The first day was.
Confusion gives way, and order up germinates.
Hell freezes the ghosts flock escapes
Down to depths of the abyss
To eternal night.

Despair, rage and terror
Accompany their fall,
And a new world
Originates in God's word.

No. 3 Recitative

And God made the firmament, and divided the water,
that were under the firmament from the waters,
the above the firmament were, and it was so.
As severe storms were raging, roaring, like chaff before
the winds, the clouds flew, the air
intersected by fiery flashes and terrible rolled
the thunder around. The flood got out at his behest
allerquickende the rain, the allerverheerende
Schauer, the light and fluffy snow.

No. 4 chorus with soprano solo

Sees with amazement the miracle
The merry band of citizens of heaven,
And loud sounds from their throats
The Creator's praise,
The praise the second day.

And loud sounds from their throats
The Creator's praise,
The praise the second day.

No. 5 Recitative

And God said: Let the waters
under the sky together in one place
and the dry land appear: and it was so.
And God called the dry land "earth"
and the gathering of waters he called "sea";
And God saw that it was good.

No. 6 Arie

Rolling in foaming billows
Moves the boisterous sea.
Hills and cliffs appear,
The mountain peak rises.
The area stretches far
Goes through the broad stream
In some crookedness.
Softly purling glides
In the silent vales the limpid brook.

No. 7 recitative

And God said, Let the earth bring grass
produce, herbs. The seeds give
and fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind
according to which have their seeds in itself
on the earth, and it was so.

No 8 aria

Now the floor proffers the fresh green
The eye for the delectation dar.
The gracefully view
Increases the flowers sweet.
Here fragrant herbs balm,
Here springs up the healing plant.
The boughs of golden fruit load;
Here the trees arching umbrellas to cool itself,
The steep hill crowned a dense forest.

No. 9 Recitative

And the heavenly host proclaimed
the third day, praising God and saying:

No. 10 Chorus

Awake the harp, the lyre,
Let your praises ring out!
Rejoice the Lord, the mighty God,
Because he has heaven and earth
Dressed in magnificent splendor!

No. 11 Recitative

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament
of heaven to the day from the night
divorce and to give light upon the earth,
and let them be for signs and for seasons
and for days and years. He made the
Stars also.

No. 12 Recitative

Ascends in full radiance now
The sun is shining on,
A blissful bridegroom,
A giant proud and glad
To run its course.
With softer beams and milder light
The moon creeps through the silent night.
The vast space of heaven
Without ornamental number of bright stars in gold.
And the sons of God
Proclaimed the fourth day
With heavenly vocals
His power that is crying out:

No. 13 Chorus with soloists

The heavens declare the glory of God;
And his handiwork
Displays the firmament.

The next day it says the day
The night that disappeared the following night:

The heavens declare the glory of God;
And his handiwork
Displays the firmament.

In all the world was made, the word
Each ear ringing,
None strange tongue:

The heavens declare the glory of God;
And his handiwork
Displays the firmament.

No. 14 Recitative

And God said, Let the waters bring forth in the
Fill out weaving creatures, the life
have, and birds that fly above the earth
like in the open firmament
of the sky.

No. 15 Aria

On mighty wings
The eagle soars proudly
Divide the air and
In most fast flight
Towards the sun.
Greets the morning
The merry lark song
Love and coos
The gentle pair of doves.
Rings out from every bush and grove
The sweet nightingale's throat.
Not yet expressed grief her breast,
Yet was not voted for action
Her lovely singing.

No. 16 Recitative

And God created great whales, and a
every living creature that moveth,
and God blessed them, saying:
Be fruitful all, and multiply,
Residents multiply the air, you
And sings on every branch!
Multiply, their flood residents
And fill any deep!
Be fruitful, grow, and multiply,
You rejoiced in your God!

No. 17 Recitative

And the angels struck their immortal harps
and sang the wonders of the fifth day.

Trio No. 18

Stand as the amiable grace,
Adorned with a young green
Wogigten the hill there.
Flows from their veins
In running Crystal
The cooling stream forth.

Hovers in happy circles,
Swaying in the air,
The cheerful birds flock.
The colorful spring splendor
Increases in air exchange
The golden sunlight.

The bright flashes by wet
The fish and winds
In the constant bustle around.
From the deepest seafloor
Leviathan is Wälzet
On foaming Well 'up.

How much are your works, O God!
Who may their numbers?
Who, O God! Who may their numbers?

No. 19 Chorus with soloists

The Lord is great in his power,
And his fame is eternal.

No. 20 Recitative

And God said, Let the earth bring forth
living creatures after their kind: cattle and
krichendes creeping thing and beast of the earth after
their classes.

No. 21 Recitative

DC opens the womb of earth
And she gave birth to God's word
Creatures of every kind,
In full growth, and without number
Is roaring with delight as the lion.
Here, the articulated Tiger shoots up.
The main stands of fast-pointed stag.
With mane flying jumps and wieh'rt
Full of courage and strength, the noble steed.
Graze on green meadows already
The beef, divided into herds.
The pastures covered, such as sowing,
The rich want, gentle sheep.
As dust spreads
In swarm and swirl
The army of insects.
Creeps in long lines
On the ground the worms.

No. 22 Aria

Now appears in full glory of heaven,
Now her jewels emblazoned in the earth.
The air is filled with the light plumage,
The water swells the fish swarm,
The ground pushes the animal load.
But not everything was accomplished.
The whole lacked the creature,
See the works of God grateful
Goodness of the Lord shall praise.

No. 23 Recitative

So God created man in his
Own image, after the image of God he created
him. Male and female he created them. The breath of
He breathed life into his face, and the
Man became a living soul.

No. 24 Aria

Done with dignity and honor,
Gifted with beauty, strength 'and courage
Skyward is the man erect,
A man and king of nature.
The wide-arched 'lofty brow
Verkünd't deep sense of wisdom,
And radiates the bright eyes
The spirit of the Creator's image and touch.
Schmieget to his bosom
Formed for him out of it,
The wife, hold and gracefully.
In happy innocence, she smiles,
Lovely image of spring,
Him love, happiness and joy to.

No. 25 Recitative

And God saw every thing that he had made;
and it was very good. And the heavenly choir
celebrated the end of the sixth day with loud

No. 26 Chorus

Achieved is the glorious work,
The Creator's looks and rejoices.
Even our friend resound 'loud
Praise the Lord be our song!

Trio No. 27

To Thee, O Lord, look at everything.
To feed thee implores all.
You open your hand,
They are saturated.

You turn off your face;
Since everything trembles and solidifies.
You take the breath away,
In the dust they decay.

The breath you breathe out again,
And new life sprouts forth.
Rejuvenated, the shape of the Earth '
Its appeal and power.

No. 28 Chorus

Achieved is the glorious work,
Praise the Lord be our song!
Glory to his name,
For he alone is exalted!
Alleluia! Alleluia!

No. 29 orchestral introduction and recitative

Rose clouds breaks out,
Awakened by sweet sounds,
The young and beautiful morning.
From the celestial vault
Flowing pure harmony
Down to earth.
Behold the blissful pair,
As it goes hand in hand!
Shines through their eyes
Danks of the hot feeling.
Soon sings in a loud tone
Your mouth praise of God;
Let our voice then
Meddle in their song.

No. 30 Duet with Chorus

Of your goodness, O Lord God,
Is earth and sky full.
The world, so big, so wonderful,
If your hands.

Blessed be the Lord's power,
His praise resound 'in eternity.

The brightest star, oh how lovely
You proclaim the day!
How you adorn him, O thou sun,
Of the universe, soul and eye!

Proclaim wide on your car
Men of power and its glory!

And you, the nights ornament 'and consolation,
And all that bright 'army
Spread everywhere his praise
With you in your choir.

Their elements, their power
Always use new forms of evidence,
Their dunes' and fog,
The wind gathers and distributes:

All praises to the Lord God,
Nam is big as his' his power.

Gently murmuring praises, O sources, him!
The top tends ye pines!
Your plant is fragrant, flowers breathed
He euern fragrance!

Ye, that climbs the mountains stately,
And her crawling low,
Her durchschneid't their flight, the air,
And deep in her wet:

Their animals, praise the Lord!
Him celebrate, him magnify!

Her dark grove ', their mountain' and valley '
You are witnesses of our thanks,
You shall sound early and late
Of our praise.

Hail to thee, O God, O Creator, salvation!
From your word was the world
You pray to heaven and earth,
We praise you for ever!

No. 31 Recitative

Now the first duty is fulfilled,
We thanked the Creator.
Now follow me, my life partner!
I lead you, and each step
Raises new joy in our breast,
Shows miracles everywhere.
Then shalt thou know,
What unspeakable happiness
The Lord intended.
Praise him forever,
Him to dedicate our hearts and minds.
Come, follow me, I redirect you.

O Beac, for which I was,
My shield, my shield, my all!
Your will is my law.
How it has determined the Lord,
And obey you bring
Me joy, happiness and fame.

No. 32Duett

Lovely wife, your side
Flowing gently down the hours.
Every moment is bliss
Do not worry, they trübet.

Expensive spouse, your side,
Swims in joy my heart.
Dedicated my life to you,
Your love is my reward.

Thawing the morning,
Oh, how he encouraged!

The coolness of the evening,
O restoreth like them!

How is refreshingly
The round fruit juice!

How irritating is
The flowers smell sweeter!

But without you, what I would -

The morning dew,

The evening breeze,

The fruit juice,

The floral scent.

With you every joy is increased,
With you, I enjoy it twice,
With you, life is bliss,
It totally consecrated to Thee!

No. 33 Recitative

O happy pair, and always happy
If false conceit you not be seduced,
Even more desirable than you have,
And to know more than ye!

No. 34 final chorus with solos

Sing to the Lord all the votes!
Thanked him for all his works!
Let's honor his name
Praise in the betting ring out singing!
Men of the fame, he remains forever!

Thursday 14 July 2011

Ensemble Les Nations Réunies, winner of International Early Music competition in Middelburg , The Netherlands!

2010年創立於英國皇家音樂院的古室內樂團 Les Nations Réunies 贏得荷蘭米德堡國際古樂比賽( International Early Music competition in Middelburg, The Netherlands) 首獎!!

Saturday 26 February 2011

JS Bach Magnificat in D major BWV 243

Magnificat in D major BWV 243
English Translation in Interlinear Format
Magnificat BWV 243

Event: ?
Text: Lukas 1: 46-55

Biblical quotations in green font, chorales in purple

1 Chorus [S, S, A, T, B]
Tromba I-III, Timpani, Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

Magnificat anima mea Dominum.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.

2 Aria [Soprano II]
Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

Et exsultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo
and my spirit has exulted in God my saviour.

3 Aria [Soprano I]
Oboe d'amore I, Continuo

Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae;
because he has regarded the lowly state of his slavegirl;
ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent
for look! from now on [they]will say that I am blessed

4 Chorus [S, S, A, T, B]
Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe d'amore I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

Omnes generationes.
every generation.

5 Aria [Bass]

Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est, et sanctum nomen eius.
because he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.

6 Aria (Duet) [Alto, Tenor]
Flauto traverso I e Violino I all' unisono, Flauto traverso II e Violino II all' unisono, Viola, Continuo

Et misericordia a progenie in progenies timentibus eum.
and his mercy [continues ] from generation to generation for those who fear him.

7 Chorus [S, S, A, T, B]
Tromba I-III, Timpani, Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo

Fecit potentiam in brachio suo, dispersit superbos mente cordis sui.
He has made known the power of his arm, scattered those who are arrogant in the thoughts of their heart.

8 Aria [Tenor]
Violini all' unisono, Continuo

Deposuit potentes de sede et exaltavit humiles.
He has put down the mighty from their seats [of power] and raised up those who are lowly.

9 Aria [Alto]
Flauto traverso I/II, Continuo

Esurientes implevit bonis et divites dimisit inanes.
The hungry he has filled with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.

10 Aria (Terzetto) [Sopranos I and II, Alto]
Oboe I/II all' unisono, Organo e Violoncelli senza, Violone e Bassoni

Suscepit Israel puerum suum recordatus misericordiae suae.
He has taken under his protection Israel his boy, and remembered his mercy.

11 Chorus [S, S, A, T, B]

Sicut locutus est ad Patres nostros,
in accordance with what he said to our fathers,
Abraham et semini eius in saecula.
to Abraham and to his seed for ever.

12 Chorus [S, S, A, T, B]
Tromba I-III, Timpani, Flauto traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Organo e Continuo

Gloria Patri, gloria Filio,
Glory to the Father, glory to the Son
gloria et Spiritui Sancto!
glory also to the Holy Spirit!
Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper
As it was in the beginning and [is] now and always
et in saecula saeculorum.
and throughout ages of ages.