From Concerts in London, 2009 |
Monday, 28 December 2009
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Friday, 18 December 2009
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Julian Bream with Lute
Why is there a guitar beside him.....?
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Reading Lists
On Playing the Flute (Paperback), by Johann Joachim Quantz (Author), Edward R. Reilly (Translator)
The Flute (Yale Musical Instrument Series), by Ardal Powell
The New Grove French Baroque Masters: Lully, Charpentier, Lalande, Couperin, Rameau (The New Grove Series), by James Anthony, H. Wiley Hitchcock, Edward Higginbottom, Graham Sadler
Friday, 21 August 2009
Cursive: A Trinity by Cloud Gate 雲門舞集行草三部曲
雲門舞集「行草三部曲」 9月台灣首次連篇演出
雲門舞集: 行草三部曲官方網站
Monday, 17 August 2009
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Monday, 10 August 2009
Romance in G major by Johan Svendsen
Recently, I found a recording of 'Romeo and Juliet' and 'Norwegian Rapsodies' by Johan Svendsen on Naxos Music Library. They are so beautiful!
I couldn't found any of these pieces on youtube, but this Romance is just as pretty.
Friday, 7 August 2009
Yorke Trust Opera Orchestra Summer 2009: Dressed-up Orchestra
From Norfolk, UK 2009 |
Later, we understood that orchestra would be dressed up with costume of 1940's as well. All girls were extremely excited!
We tried on costume in the morning, looking for proper size clothes and hats.
Then, We drove to Bruham Market to buy all the hair rolls and pins in the small shop, and went Lady Fiona's house (one of our hostess) to have our first hair session! We had a little instruction from costume designer, Gidon, and vocal coach, Robert, and many many photos from google search.
The result was not bad, was it? And it was incredibly welcome by the concert audience!
It was really fun!
Click here to see all the photos in Norfolk, UK 2009.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Yorke Trust Opera Orchestra Summer 2009: "Castor et Pollux" by Jean-Phillipe Rameau
The first dress rehearsal, with only basso continuo.
The first dress rehearsal with orchestra in St. Mary Church:
歌劇第一幕為斯巴達宮廷,人們正歡欣鼓舞地準備國王普魯克斯與Télaïre的婚禮, 兄弟二人皆愛上了太陽之女Télaïre,但Télaïre僅愛著弟弟卡斯托,普魯克斯得知後決定放棄Télaïre,讓有情人終成眷屬。眾人正爭相讚美普魯克斯的慷慨大度,Télaïre的巫女姊姊Phébé卻也愛著卡斯托,為了報復沒有結果的愛情,Phébé秘密聯合敵國將領Lyncaeus攻打斯巴達,卡斯托在戰爭中被殺身亡。
From Norfolk, UK 2009 |
The first dress rehearsal with orchestra in St. Mary Church:
歌劇第一幕為斯巴達宮廷,人們正歡欣鼓舞地準備國王普魯克斯與Télaïre的婚禮, 兄弟二人皆愛上了太陽之女Télaïre,但Télaïre僅愛著弟弟卡斯托,普魯克斯得知後決定放棄Télaïre,讓有情人終成眷屬。眾人正爭相讚美普魯克斯的慷慨大度,Télaïre的巫女姊姊Phébé卻也愛著卡斯托,為了報復沒有結果的愛情,Phébé秘密聯合敵國將領Lyncaeus攻打斯巴達,卡斯托在戰爭中被殺身亡。
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
RCM Opera - Midsummer Night Dream by B. Britten
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Monday, 25 May 2009
Die Kameliendame - Hamburg Ballet
Lady of Camelias
Lucia Lacarra
Cyrill Pierre
這個美麗的pose比較多~很有"看芭蕾"的感覺 XD
Kameliendame Stuttgart Ballet Marijn Rademake
Sue Jin Kang Marijn Rademake
Kameliendame Male Solo Marijn Rademaker
Kameliendame Male Solo Marijn Rademaker
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Benjamin Britten: War Requiem, op.66 -- Concert Review by Bob Briggs
From Life in London, 2009 |
Benjamin Britten: War Requiem, op.66 (1961/1962): Monica Bancos (soprano), John McMunn (tenor), James Oldfield ( baritone), RCM Chorus (chorus master: Terry Edwards), RCM Junior Department Children’s Chorus, RCM Symphony Orchestra, Martin André, Andrew Gourlay (chamber orchestra conductor), Amy Bebbington (children’s chorus conductor), Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall, Royal College of Music, London, 5’3’2009 (BBr)
To inaugurate the new concert hall, after a multi million pound refurbishment, the Royal College chose one of the largest works, and one which would involve most of the student body, of one of its most famous alumni.
Before the show, John Forsbrook, Press and Marketing Manager of the RCM, told me that everyone had their fingers crossed for tonight was the first time they’d had an audience in to hear a big show and, as we all know, it’s the sound the music makes in the presence of an audience which is the proof of a new hall. Nobody need have worried, for this new hall, beautiful in its simplicity, white plaster walls, complete with cherubs, a very large stage, high ceiling, with space for an audience of some 500, fully met all the requirements, and even the biggest climaxes – and the War Requiem has a few, especially in the Sanctus and the Libera Me – were heard to full advantage with clear and well focused sound. But even in the tenderest moments, such as the glorious conclusion which brings all the performers together for the only time in the work, the sound was bright and precise. The hall is a triumph and the RCM can be very proud of it, it was money well spent and it will host many superb concerts in the years to come and I, for one, will always be looking forward to my future visits there.
But this isn’t Architectural Digest, this is Seen and Heard so what about the music?
The War Requiem is Britten’s biggest non–operatic work and at its première, in Coventry Cathedral in 1962, it was hailed as a towering masterpiece, but time hasn’t been too kind to it. Although there are many fine moments, there are some cringingly embarrassing sections – the duet for the men setting Owen’s The Next War is a poor relation of the Kanonen Song from Die Dreigroschenoper, the Balinese bell sounds at the start of the Sanctus seem precious rather than incantatory, and the rather obvious word painting, such as the music accompanying the line:
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells
– but as a whole the work still packs a big emotional punch and tonight’s performance left a capacity audience open mouthed and, literally, dumb struck at the power of the utterance.
In overall control was Martin André, who conducted the huge orchestra and full chorus, joined by the full throated soprano Monica Bancos, in a performance where he let the music speak for itself and its emotion was felt without any extra help from the musicians. Theirs was a superb contribution, and although this is a choral work there is plenty for the band to do. The brass in the Dies Irae was awe inspiring when sounding the final trump, and there were valuable contributions from the winds and lots of, perfectly placed, percussion. If the strings don’t do what they usually do – that is play and sing big melodies – it’s simply because this isn’t that kind of piece.
The chamber orchestra, seated at right angles to, and in front of, the main body, was conducted by student conductor Andrew Gourlay who, together with his male soloists, had the difficult task of bringing Wilfred Owen’s poems to vivid life, and they did it magnificently. This really is a man’s work, that is it is the two male soloists who really carry the argument of the music. Tonight we heard two fabulous young singers – tenor John McMunn and baritone James Oldfield – who breathed new life into this difficult and sometimes harrowing music. McMunn, in particular, displayed a glorious sense of feeling and understanding of his music, never overstating what he sang and employing a wide range of tone colour. Oldfield was no less impressive, he has more argumentative music, and he stamped his own personality on every note he sang. When they came together at the end in the passionate lullaby Let us sleep now, it was almost too much to bear as we realised the full horror of their situation:
I am the enemy you killed, my friend,
I knew you in this dark, for so you frowned
Yesterday through me as you jabbed and killed,
I parried; but my hands were loath and cold.
Special mention be made of the children’s choir, seated in the gallery, whose small, but valuable contribution, was most telling, and the full choir, trained by Terry Edwards, surely this country’s best choral director, was excellent.
A flawed masterpiece, to be sure, but with a performance as assured as this we can only appreciate Britten’s brave attempt at showing us the full horrors of war and the effect it has on mankind. Also, listening to these young musicians I know that the future of the performance of classical music is in very safe hands. Well done, RCM, this was a triumph and long may we be privileged to hear more of this calibre of music making from the same source.
Bob Briggs
Friday, 17 April 2009
Rush Hour Recital in St Stephen's Church
Flute & Guitar Duo Recital
Date: 27 April 2009
Time: 18:30 - 21:30
St Stephen's Church
Gloucester Road
London SW7 4AL
United Kingdom
Jakob Friedrich (1722 – 1794): Sonata in b minor for flute and basso continuo
Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829): Grande Serenade for guitar and flute, Op. 82
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): Fugue from Violin Sonata No. 1, BWV 1001
Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921): Odelette for flute and orchestral accompaniment, Op.162
Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992): Histoire du Tango pour flute et guitar
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion in St. John's Church, London
J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion
Sunday 5 April 2009 5:30pm
St. John's, Smith Square London SW1
Exmoor Singers of London
Charivari Agreable Simfonie
Kah-Ming Ng/director
Sean Kerr/Evangelist
James Birchall/Jesus
Alexanra Kingell/soprano
Marie Degodet/alto
Ben Thapa/tenor
James Birchall/bass
James Jarvis/conductor
It's the first complete St Matthew Passion in German ever in my life!
Such a great piece with a really dramatic story! I was so touched!
Friday, 3 April 2009
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Thursday, 12 March 2009
War Requiem Concerts in RCM
From Life in London, 2009 |
上週兩場 RCM 耗資數億英鎊整修的豪華音樂廳重新開幕 War Requiem 音樂會後,長達兩週的管絃樂團排練終於結束了。
不過其實第一次這麼享受樂團排練,除了甜美漂亮西班牙長笛首席很厲害之外,Britten這個作品的音樂比想像中或錄音更美 (雖然在這麼小的音樂廳演出算滿吵就是了~XD),尤其是最後一個樂章男高音和男低音在另一世界再度相會,令人聽了就鼻酸,害我常常聽到忘記吹呢~ :P
Friday, 13 February 2009
My First Baroque Flute Solo Recital in RCM
這週三RCM Lunchtime Concert 我第一次公開表演巴洛克長笛。
曲目是Handel Flute Sonata in G major ,雖然不是非常艱深的曲目,但要將慢板樂章譜上平淡旋律發展成充滿張力的美妙歌曲並不如想像中容易,演出前一周猛啃韓德爾相關書籍,前兩晩更是滿腦都是慢板樂章旋律,無時無刻想像歌手會如何演唱呢!
演出感覺真的很棒喔~好喜歡巴洛克長笛 :D
曲目是Handel Flute Sonata in G major ,雖然不是非常艱深的曲目,但要將慢板樂章譜上平淡旋律發展成充滿張力的美妙歌曲並不如想像中容易,演出前一周猛啃韓德爾相關書籍,前兩晩更是滿腦都是慢板樂章旋律,無時無刻想像歌手會如何演唱呢!
演出感覺真的很棒喔~好喜歡巴洛克長笛 :D
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Entree d'Apollon de Lully & Menuet de la Reine
Menuet de la Reine
Les Danses du Roi - Entree d'Apollon de Lully - Ana Yepes Company
Les Danses du Roi - Entree d'Apollon de Lully - Ana Yepes Company
Friday, 9 January 2009
Les Danses du Roi - Ana Yepes Company
Passacaille d'Armide
Marais: Folies d'Espagne
Lully: Entree d'Apollon
Thursday, 8 January 2009
2008 Baroque Dance Workshop in RCM, Part 2
Performed by Mary Collins
Sarabande, performed by Marry Collins
Sarabande, performed by Marry Collins
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