Monday, 28 January 2008

2007 Trevor Wye Master Camp



由於旁聽名額全滿,迫不得已之下只好報名了Trevor Wye 大師營最後一個研習名額(3天NT6000),一天之內匆匆忙忙調家教衝去小雅買譜,大學畢業後就沒練過的Anderson練習曲勉強也拿出來選了一首狂練,就這麼去上課了(喔對了前一天還臨時跑去買MP3 Player :P)。

Trevor Wye 老師15歲開始吹長笛,並曾經跟隨Moyse學習,並非音樂院科班出身卻自行研究出成效卓然的練習法,曾擔任英國多所音樂院教授並出版一系列練習教本,從初學者到高難度手指練習無一不包,黃貞瑛老師在我國三時叫我買了他的Practice Book 6 Advanced Practice,實在太難練沒多久就放棄了:P

大師營每日課表相同,都是早上9點開始1小時左右暖身練習(指定使用Trevor Wye Daily Practice Book和Practice Book 6 Advanced Practice,幸好研習生學費附贈第一本書,不然全部買下來真的不得了),全部研習生和老師一起吹奏,休息過後分別指導研習生吹練習曲直到中午,下午則是演奏曲目指導,和Trevor Wye的私人Flute Studio教學方法類似。

實際去上課發現Trevor Wye是個很有趣的老先生,雖然上課要求相當嚴格(不是普通大師班那種喔~真的非常嚴格要求基本動作@@),但卻都用極端好笑口吻說話,全場笑聲不斷。

比如說他第一天開始就要求全體學生暖身練習要全程使用右手食指的降B指法,理由是既然練習就要使用困難指法才會達到練習目的,所有困難的手指練習也要全部使用正確指法絕對不可以偷懶,如果沒有使用正確指法他就要咬那個人的手!第一天用錯指法Trevor Wye每每作勢要咬大家呵呵大笑,而第二天早上有一位女生不小心忘了,他就真的咬下去了!XD

這樣的練習說起來容易,但很顯然所有研習生都很少使用右手降B指法,原本輕輕鬆鬆就能吹奏的F大調降E大調琶音練習居然錯誤百出,不只降B音經常出錯變成還原B,連鎖效應其他音也跟著錯個不停 XD

除了音階琶音和多種不同七和弦練習還有手指練習之外,每天早上Trevor Wye會吹奏一首簡單曲調,但要用聽力記憶曲調然後吹奏,包括音樂性韻律和表情都要正確喔~(不知為何我發現這個好像對於某些男性研習生較為困難)


練習曲指導指定曲目是Moyse: 24 Little Melodic Studies和Anderson: Etudes Op.15,指導非常仔細,除了練習方式之外,同時非常重視練習曲中的和聲進行。另外也特別著重音樂性、音準和節奏韻律的正確,絲毫細微差錯都會糾正,果然大師耳朵就是不一樣啊。


Trevor Wye也相當知識淵博,講述音樂風格每每都能引述歷史故事(其實是事實?)或其他樂器相關的演奏方式,讓學生能容易了解。

因為我是選擇吹J.S. Bach Partita in a minor BWV 1013(其實有3個人吹這首Orz),Trevor Wye提到的一些和J.S. Bach相關歷史風格背景特別有深刻印象,比如說C大調長笛奏鳴曲的奇怪伴奏現象(4個樂章分別有2個是Figured Bass,2個是Obbligato Bass),巴洛克音樂的不平均要如何練習等等,十分具有啟發性。另外其他曲目也很重視忠實演奏樂譜(Debussy: Syrinx和Doppler:匈牙利幻想曲),說了非常多次千萬不要根據CD錄音練習,因為有很多都亂吹之類的話 XD

此外, Trevor Wye對於長笛材質選擇的問題回答也頗令人深思,他說:金屬的市場價格和聲音有甚麼關係?(原句:What's the market price of metal about acoustics?)他也舉了許多實例,比如說在某次國際比賽,評審團私下討論使用不同材質長笛的參賽者的聲音,發現使用金長笛的人雖然音色甜美但變化不如使用銀長笛的大;另外,有些19世紀末製作的鎳長笛聽起來聲音比現在的銀長笛更好,他會盡力去幫吹得很好的學生蒐集這些長笛;還有一次某家倫敦長笛公司請他去試吹銀質和鎳質長笛,在完全無法從外觀辨識製作材質的情況下,評斷這家的鎳鍵銀身長笛比全銀長笛聲音更好,令製造公司大吃一驚。

大師營第一天由雙燕主辦自助餐會,大家留下來在市北師藝術館川堂吃Buffet,Trevor Wye自己提議第二三天沒有餐會我們自行安排餐廳聚餐,結果第二天就一些研習生和宋麗曼江淑君安德石老師陪Trevor Wye去吃北港漁村,第三天則是和雙燕工作人員一起吃北方料理。

用餐時間,Trevor Wye更是負責搞笑玩鬧,哼哼哈哈用聲音高低假裝在說話超像Mr Bean,玩老是無意識張開嘴巴的同學下巴,取笑江淑君老師非常聰明(他上課時老是說長笛家都不夠聰明所以才會犯這些那些錯誤,碰到反應快的學生就會說天啊你這麼聰明接下來一定要學小提琴了吧 XD),安德石老師接招說就是因為這樣才娶她,眼睛時時閃爍惡作劇光芒,完全就像是小男孩一般,讓大家都很開心。


Updated 2008/01/28
Trevor Wye 2008 的大師營已經確定會在9/1-7舉行,如果我還在台灣,一定會去參加!

Related Link:
Trevor Wye's playing Saint-Saens: The Swan with a bicycle plump XD
A flute change colour many times when the player moves around

原文刊載於cakecat blog: [Life] Trevor Wye Master Camp

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Jean-Pierre-Rampal Flute Competition 2008 朗帕爾長笛大賽

Jean-Pierre-Rampal Flute Competition

Rules 2008

Article 1

The 8th Jean-Pierre Rampal International Flute Competition is to be held in Paris, from 23 September to 4 October 2008, as part of the Concours internationaux de la Ville de Paris. The competition is organised by the Association pour la Création et la Diffusion Artistique (ACDA).

The Jury will be comprised of international musicians and be presided over by Philippe Bernold.

Article 2

The contest is open to flutists of all nationalities born after 23 September 1978.

After due consideration of candidates' applications by a selection committee made up for that purpose, the Competition Organisers shall be the sole judges of their eligibility to compete. It reserves the right to audition some of the candidates at this stage, either through a public audition, or on the basis of a recorded aid. Some news regarding this matter will be given subsequently.

A list of successful candidates shall be posted on our website on Monday, 23 June 2008.

Candidates will also receive personal notification by e-mail.

Article 3 – Dossier for inscription

For admission to the competition a completed application form must be sent to the Competition address, the latest date for entries is Friday 16 May 2008 (postmark date validates) and it must include the following documents:

Curriculum vitae, photocopy of the identity card or passport and photograph preferably sent by e-mail are welcome.

- the inscription form, duly completed, dated and signed,

- a photocopy of the candidate’s identity card or passport, or any other equivalent official document of identity,

- a curriculum vitae written in French or English (maximum 2 typed pages) stating names of schools of music attended, the main teachers, awards/diplomas obtained, their current professional situation,

- a short biography in French or English (maximum 7 typed lines)

- two original letters of recommendation from recognised musicians, written for the purposes of this competition,

- a recent colour photograph, minimum dimensions 3.5 x 4.5 cm, with mention of family name and first name at the back,

- the required payment or a document confirming payment of the inscription charge (article 4).

Given the hazards of postal mail, the applicant will send an e-mail to mention the mailing date of his application.

Article 4 – Inscription charge

The inscription charge is fixed at 30 € and must be sent at the same time as the inscription. This charge cannot be reimbursed. Candidates must send this sum net of any extras charges or costs relating to participation in the competition.

Method of payment with mention of the family name of the applicant:

- by French cheque made out to ACDA in Euros

- by a foreign bank drawn on a French account made out to ACDA in Euros

- by bank transfer in Euros, RIB [full bank details]

- by international postal mandate in favour of ACDA in Euros

- by money transfer (via international agencies) in Euros

- by cash in Euros

Article 5 – Registration fee

The registration fee is fixed at 40 €. Candidates selected must pay the registration fee at the time of the drawing of lots; details of the method of payment will be supplied later.

Article 6 – Accommodation

The Competition Organisers can organise accommodation in university residences (single or twin rooms) or with a family, for contestants living outside of Paris or the Paris region and who have made a request for such accommodation on the inscription form.

Those contestants who successfully pass the first eliminatory round will have their accommodation expenses paid for during the rounds in which they will compete. In this case, the contestants will receive a daily allowance of 39 €.

Article 7 – Visa

Contestants requiring a visa to take part in the Competition are requested to organise this themselves. If a letter of invitation is required for visa purposes, candidates may request this from the Competition Organisers.

Article 8 – Programme

First Round

1/ Jean-Sébastien Bach : Sonata in C major BWV 1033 (played flute solo)

2/ Leonardo de Lorenzo : Extracted from the opus 34 « Il Non plus ultra del Flautista » - 14e Capriccio: « Allegro di Concerto dramatico » - Zimmermann

3/ One of the following:

Gilbert Amy : 5/16 for flute solo - Billaudot
or Elliott Carter : Scrivo in vento for flute solo - Boosey
or Franco Donatoni : Nidi for piccolo solo (please choose one of the two movements - to be played with the piccolo) - Ricordi
or Olivier Knussen : Mask for flute solo (from the beginning up to figure 5b) - Faber Music
or Bruno Mantovani : Früh for flute solo - Lemoine

Second round

1st part:

1/ Jean-Marie Leclair : One of the following

Sonata for flute and Basso continuo in E minor op.9 n°2
or Sonata for flute and Basso continuo in G major op.9 n°7
or Sonata for flute and Basso continuo in E minor op.2 n°1

2/ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : Rondo in D major K.Anh 184, for flute and piano

3/ One of the following:

Karl Joachim Andersen : Ballade et danse des Sylphes for flute and piano - Billaudot
or Paul Taffanel : Grande fantaisie sur Mignon for flute and piano - Billaudot
or Theobald Boehm : Variations sur « le Désir », valse de Schubert op.21 for flute and piano

2nd part:

1/ One of the following:

André Jolivet : Sonate for flute and piano - Leduc
or Francis Poulenc : Sonate for flute and piano - Chester
or Jindrich Feld : Sonate for flute and piano - Leduc

2/ Hugues Dufourt : New piece specially composed for the competition for solo flute *
(Commissioned by musique nouvelle en liberté - circa eight minutes)

*The score will be sent to contestants one month before the Competition starts.

Final round

1/ Karl Reinecke : Konzert für flöte und Orchester in D major op. 283
Olivier Messiaen : Le Merle Noir for flute and piano - Leduc

2/ A free programme not exceeding twenty minutes of works (or movements of works) for solo flute or flute and piano or flute and harpsichord.

For the first two rounds, contestants may choose the order of works to be played.

Candidates wishing to change their order of repertoire must advise the Competition Organisers in writing by e-mail or by post not later than Friday, 5 September 2008.

Article 9 – Drawing of lots

Lots shall be drawn on Tuesday 23 September 2008 to determine the order of play. Contestants are required to be present in person on this occasion.

A second drawing of lots shall be held to determine order of play in the final round.

All rounds shall be open to the public.

Article 10 – Rounds

The first two rounds will take place in the Conservatoire national de région de Paris, 14 rue de Madrid 75008 Paris.

The final round will take place on Friday 3 October 2008 at the Salle Gaveau with the Orchestre national d’Île de France, conducted by Kentaro Kawase.

Article 11 – Rehearsals

For the second and the final round, the Competition Organisers will provide a pianist and a harpsichordist for the contestants.

Two rehearsal sessions will be provided by the Competition Organisers.

Contestants may bring an accompanist, at their own expense.

Article 12 – Jury

Following each round including the final, the Jury shall meet and make his decisions according to modalities previously known by each member of the Jury. In the event of a tie, the Jury Chairman holds the casting vote.

The Jury reserves the right not to award all prizes.

The Grand Prix de la Ville de Paris cannot be shared.

The Jury may issue special distinctions.

The Jury may only award prizes to contestants who have reached the second round.

The Jury's decision is final.

Article 13 – Prizes and prizewinners’ concert

Grand Prix de la Ville de Paris : 10 000 €

The winner of the Grand Prix de la Ville de Paris will benefit from a contract for the recording of a Compact-disc offered by the Association Jean-Pierre Rampal.

The Grand Prix de la Ville de Paris will receive a “super soliste” piccolo, offered by Verne Q. Powell Inc. – Boston (grenadilla model, solid silver keys, white gold springs)

He will also benefit from an engagement offered by the Festival Messiaen au pays de la Meije.

2nd Prize : 7 000 €

3rd Prize : 4 000 €

4th Prize : 3 000 €

Prize for the young soloist: 2 000 €

Prize for the best performance of a work by Hugues Dufourt, offered by Sacem: 2 000 €

On the occasion of its musical season, the Musée de l’Armée (Army Museum) will propose an engagement to the winner of its choice.

On the occasion of its 2009 musical season, the festival de Boucard will propose an engagement to the winner of its choice.

Prizewinners will also be called upon for further performances; details are to be posted in due course.

The Competition Organisers should not be held as responsible for troubles, which might crop up in the organization of these events.

A prizewinner concert will be given in Paris on Saturday 4 October 2008 at the Salle Gaveau.

Article 14 – Broadcasting

Competition rounds and the prizewinners’ concert may be broadcasted by radio or television without remuneration to the contestants.

Article 15

Participation in the competition implies contestants’ full acceptance of the Rules. In the event of a dispute, only the French language version of these Rules is binding.

Information from Jean-Pierre-Rampal Flute Competition Rules 2008

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Lion King in Austin 2007 音樂劇獅子丸~~

20070222 Lion King at Austin

上:Lion King貨櫃車
下:表演藝術中心大廳Lion King帆布帷幕

百老匯音樂劇Lion King全美巡迴演出,正好2月15日到3月25日在Austin首演,恰巧碰上百老匯音樂劇一軍巡演(來台灣的通常是二或三軍,水準有差票價卻三級跳,三千六千都不缺人買,我從來不看),不用特地花機票旅館錢飛去紐約看,怎麼可以放過這個機會?

怡慧說Austin的音樂會通常有學生票或當天的rush ticket比較便宜,但是Lion King似乎票房奇佳,我們最低只能買到$28.5的頂樓票,幸好位置還算中央,只要挺直背脊正襟危坐,依然可以看得很清楚。當天我們和一個學姐的男友「叔叔」一起去看,這個叔叔是藝大戲劇系學燈光的,是個ㄢㄤ不分的有趣人物,所以當天我們看的音樂劇戲碼叫做「獅子丸」 XD



在Austin 看音樂劇另外很有趣就是相當多年輕男女盛裝出席,以美國這個平時穿著隨便著稱的國家,男生西裝筆挺女生小禮服,真的是盛裝喔,一副就是來約會的樣子~不像亞洲人大部分都是牛仔褲照穿,怡慧是意思意思穿了雙高跟鞋出席,我沒多帶裙裝出國,也就沒有選擇,不過大體看來在音樂會的場合反而亞洲人衣著較為平常隨便了。

原文刊載於cakecat blog:[Travel] USA, 2007: 20070222 Austin 音樂劇獅子丸~~

Monday, 21 January 2008

2008 雙燕音樂學術出國獎助學金


看得我超心動,可惜目前沒有學生資格,只能望金興歎了 囧

2008 雙燕音樂學術出國獎助學金





247台北縣蘆洲市中山二路162號5樓,電話:(02)2282-5151分機 3037 張小姐。




審查公告:2008年4月下旬(請至 雙燕網站 查詢


獎學金金額:每名新台幣 陸萬元 整。

※以上若有何問題請洽雙燕文化基金會,電話:(02)2282-5151分機3037 張小姐;或0972–639394陳先生。



[4/4/2008 Updated]


2008 雙燕音樂學術出國獎學金 這裡有報名表格下載

2007 Flute Recital at HSNU

20070124 Flute Recital at HSNU

時間:2007年1月24日11:10 am




開場之後有好多學生來,三班學生把演奏廳都坐滿了,本來是使用1172上課時間,1175是調課成功,而1169調課不成功但班長自己決定要另外用自習課去和該堂國文課調,結果通通都來了 XD 還有一些被我前一晚臨時通知的實習老師也來捧場,而且超早在我還沒彩排完就坐在台下等待,有這麼多人來真的很開心。


這次開音樂會觀眾群主要是學生,但事前準備一點也不輕鬆,還是比照專業演奏會模式(除了昂貴的錄音錄影和節目單海報印刷),曲目甚至比我研所的畢業獨奏會還要吃重,上半場Dutilleux時開始胃痛(純粹因為早餐吃太少忙著印節目單),吹到下半場最後一首普羅高菲夫奏鳴曲的時候,已經恍神外加沒力氣,幸好安全結束。感謝阿塞學妹辛苦伴奏,二週內把四首超難度伴奏練起來,一週內密集合伴奏和我之前按部就班練習的習慣差距甚大,也是一次有趣經驗 :P

當天照片請見cakecat's picasa web album: Concerts in Taipei

原文刊載於cakecat blog:[Music]20070124 Flute Recital 2006/01/23,26

Saturday, 19 January 2008

2006 Vicens Prats' Master Class

20060920 Vicens Prats' Master Class


Vicens Prats 出生於西班牙,畢業於巴黎音樂院,目前是巴黎國家交響樂團長笛首席,也是巴黎音樂院的教授,事實上是個精力旺盛充滿好奇心和熱情的可愛中年人。

上課前一個半小時,我還在等待日本技師維修,就看到老師(唯一的西方人,太明顯了)興致勃勃地觀看技師檢查我的長笛,台灣技師阿倫介紹說我是今晚要上課的學生,於是握手致意隨意聊了二句今晚上課的曲目是Bach Sonata BWV 1035之類。




其實我也頗為緊張,一開始便吹得拘謹,老師立刻叫停,說這是一首法國式奏鳴曲要有跳舞的感覺,說著就把我的長笛放在桌上,跳起華爾滋和宮廷舞,跳完還會鞠躬,我也很配合拉起裙襬行屈膝禮。老師真是有趣的人,發現我會跳舞還很開心地說"You are a dancer!"



大師班另外還有二個學生,一個吹Hindemith的小品,另一個吹Bach Sonata BWV 1034,上課也都相當有趣(但沒我上得這麼刺激)。結束之後和老師、日本技師以及博凱公司人員一起去敦化南路市民大道口的「凡間」吃飯,則完全是場慘劇。




原文刊載於2006/9/21 cakecat blog: [Music] 20060920 Vicens Prats' Master Class

Friday, 18 January 2008

NTNU Master's Degree Recital

20060603 NTNU Master's Degree Recital
Photographed & Designed by Tanis Chou




原文刊載於2006/6/5 cakecat blog: [Music] 20060603 My Flute Recital

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Concert Preparation 音樂會準備流程











原文刊載於2006/5/17 cakecat blog: [Music] 音樂會準備流程 (本文已略作修改)

Lisa Beznosiuk, flutist 麗莎.貝諾蘇克

英國皇家音樂學院,資深榮譽巴洛克長笛教授 (Hon RCM, baroque flute)

畢業於倫敦Guildhall 音樂戲劇學院 (Guildhall of Music and Drama),受教於巴洛克長笛教授史帝芬.普列斯頓 ( Stephen Preston) ,並學習彈奏大鍵琴數字低音。

而後她成為國際知名巴洛克與古典長笛演奏家,其於現場音樂會與錄音的精湛演出受到許多權威古典音樂雜誌稱譽,例如:郭德堡雜誌 (Goldberg Magazine) 讚譽為「具有真正音樂天賦」、BBC雜誌 (BBC Magazine)則稱頌其美麗的音色為「最溫暖、最木質且最引人入勝」。

錄音方面,麗莎.貝諾蘇克灌錄的全本韓德爾長笛奏鳴曲,受到今日古樂雜誌 (Early Music Today)評論為「迴旋運舌與音色之精準令人十分愉悅」,而韋瓦第協奏曲作品10之錄音則入選BBC Radio 3 音樂圖書館藏,且其莫札特長笛協奏曲錄音、多種版本之巴赫b小調組曲與第五號布蘭登堡協奏曲錄音,亦廣受好評;其中2002年發行之全本巴赫長笛奏鳴曲,更是受到BBC音樂雜誌 (BBC Music Magazine)稱譽為「對作品本身的最佳讚揚」、「出類拔萃的成就」及「顯示出充滿情感與技巧的最高炫技」,獨立音樂雜誌 (The Independent)則評論為「貝諾蘇克的甜美低沉音色與音樂性之最佳典範」,並獲得郭德堡雜誌評為五顆星之最佳錄音評價。

麗莎.貝諾蘇克近期與啟蒙時期管弦樂團 ( Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment)合作灌錄的多首協奏曲錄音,亦被時代雜誌 (The Times)樂評稱頌為「精湛絕佳的演出」、「帶有珍珠般色澤的音色與令人屏息的炫技」。

獨奏家身份外,麗莎.貝諾蘇克亦曾參與啟蒙時期管弦樂團、英國音樂會樂團 (English Concert)、英國巴洛克獨奏家樂團 (English Baroque Soloists)等多個英國頂尖古樂樂團,擔任長笛首席之職多年,參與許多管弦樂曲之錄音,曲目廣含從巴哈至布拉姆斯各時代作曲家之作品。

教學方面,不僅於英國皇家音樂學院與皇家北方音樂院擔任古長笛教授、伯明罕音樂院客席教授,更於2006年起升為英國皇家音樂學院之榮譽資深教授 (Honorary Membership of the Royal Academy of Music)一職,其優秀的教學亦享譽國際,許多門下弟子已成為國際知名長笛家。

以上資料翻譯自Royal Academy of Music Website: Lisa Beznosiuk

Wikipedia-Lisa Beznosiuk Lisa Beznosiuk

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Why "Bard School"?

Why "Bard School"?

If you ask me, somehow there must be a name, is it not? And I don't want mere a name. I want an interesting name related to music.

So, "Bard School" is the one.

Bards were travelling poet musicians in medieval and early modern Scotland, Ireland and Wales. There were similar professions commonly addressed as Minstrel in Europe.

To be more specific, musicians who play instruments, sing or compose secular music, poems and epics were called troubadour(in Southern France), trouvère(in Northern France) and Minnesinger (in German, and called "Meistersinger" later). There are marginal differences among the definitions of these poet musicians in each district of Europe, in terms of languages, preferred types of music and poems, and even their social classes which range widely from the poor on the fringe of society to aristocrats.

Well, the introduction of medieval secular music would end here. However, I picked this name not only for bards as truly existing musical profession in the history, but also because of the class of bards in TRPG.

The TRPG bards are characters who perform instruments, inspire their partners' courage with songs and cast simple but useful spells, such as detect magic, lullaby and cure light wounds. These musicians may not be one of the most fierce fighters or spellcasters in the game, but definitely of the most intriguing characters!

Quite similar to the true musicians in our daily life!

Photo Info:
Owain Phyfe, a modern-day minstrel plays for an audience at a Renaissance fair in 2003.
Image created by David Ball, and used under creative commons.

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中文閱讀請見:cakecat blog: [Blog] Bard School! A Brand-New Blog for Music